
Showing posts from December, 2012

Wild Health Tokyo

Rice paper sure looks nice and gives you that authentic Japanese experience - but it got down to around 38° last night . Rice paper and only one layer of glass do not insulation make! (I've decided, based on grammatical structure, that Master Yoda was speaking translated Japanese). Cold it is in Fuchu While I always suspected that we might be able to get all our paperwork done here in Japan, and therefore stay longer than just November, my faith apparently wasn't strong enough for me to bring my leather jacket or my wool peacoat. So now I'm having to layer my gray fleece "Charlene Martinez jacket" (ask her, she'll laugh) and my thrift store "unexpected-snow-in-Denver" windbreaker. I sure could go for a nice hot cup of Charlie's Spic & Span chanate right about now. Coffee here is popular... and as strong as tea with milk.  We went to Costco! It was like being back in the States for a couple of hours. It was HUGE and sample everywhere. I parti...