We rode in on a wave!

So, for those of you who are following the plot - our Certificates of Eligibility arrived on March 12th. We zipped downtown to the Japanese Consulate and turned them in along with our passports - " Come back in a week ". Great! That means we can plan on flying to Tokyo on... (let's see, ichi... ni... san...) the 20th! So best-travel-agent-in-the-world Bridget Harris pulls an extra special rabbit out of her hat, and it's wearing a grass skirt - " How would you guys feel about an overnight layover in... Hawaii! " (it sounded just like Drew Carey saying "... a BRAND NEW CAR!"). So I said: My answer God truly does so much more than we ask or even expect! We didn't get a chance to really go anywhere for our 29th anniversary the week before, but God gave us an anniversary to remember. Armed with our certificates and our long term visas, we bid a tearful farewell to our kids in Denver... and arrived late that afternoon in Honolulu! (I know what you...