Mr N and the Prime Minister

Mr. N and I had made plans to meet today for coffee. Last time, I gave him a Gospel of John, and he mentioned how he'd like to get himself a Bible (for an atheist, he shows more interest and enthusiasm for the things of God, than a whole room full of lukeys and christianettes). I told him that I'd found him a bilingual Bible on Japan . He kept saying he wanted to pay me for it, and finally the only way I could get him to take it, was to tell him that it was a New Years gift! So today he called me and insisted that we meet at Mitaka station (which is very near me, and about an hour or so away from his house!). I get to our nearby train and bus station, and lo and behold! There's a crowd gathered, with uniformed police and very capable looking agents in suits. They were all surrounding some men standing atop a van, making speeches. I rushed past them and into the station, and found Mr. N, then brought him outside. He said "You know who that is?!" (no....