Gone with the wind???

So today was our second Sunday as a church. Rainy day, REALLY windy, my wife and I are ALL ALONE in the building (maybe last week was a fluke?). At 11:00, we finally hear the elevator - it's Mr. N (bless God!). He wants to know where is everyone else (good question) and I, in faith, tell him that they're probably on their way, weather, weather, weather... and that we'll wait a bit. Minutes add up. Five, ten, fifteen... (I'm seriously considering a "Bible Class" in the office) when the elevator stirs once again - one of the sisters has made it! (I can't help but note that our Japanese members are there before anyone else). I contemplate an "us 4 and no more" service, but instead tell the "bad weather, people delayed story" again. Patience pays off, and our family arrives (sans hubby, he's in France ). Well, praise God! We're going to have service! Here we go! - Halfway through the first song, EVERYONE ELSE shows up! Great...