When they take the sermon to heart...

This morning I left some newly printed flyers on the back table. As her family took a stack of flyers and got on the elevator, Bernice told her mother: "I have a REAL job. I work for Pastor Gary..." (Yes, we reminded her she's working for JESUS!) Sister Mitos emailed me after church: "Hello pastor Gary!! Bernice sent out all the flyers today! She did everything. I did not even get a chance to send out not even one flyer!! Here is a picture of our little miracle worker." Bernice's mother emailed: "She never felt discourage if some people rejects her flyers. She told me her exact words... 'Its ok mom, I'm just being patient...'" Don't worry, her parents are right there (taking the photo). This is a street only 3 blocks away from our building! After service, Bernice and her parents, John & Mitos, took a detour on their way to the train station, and passed out church invitations to the crowd! The mes...