Mr N comes to see Jesus by night

Maybe you know what I'm talking about: You're preaching, or sharing your testimony. Time is standing still. Or rather - somewhere between the ticks of the clock, you've shifted sideways into eternity. The air is different. If this were a movie, the music has transitioned into something stirringly intense. I don't have the words to explain it clearly. I've felt this before (I've felt this many times before, but this is the first time I've remembered it). All of a sudden, you KNOW. You know that what's about to happen - is eternal. Oh, I've talked to people, and witnessed to people, and had people repeat a prayer with me. But sometimes, just sometimes, something happens, and it's like, they're not even hearing YOU. Like when, in The Cross and the Switchblade, everybody becomes deathly quiet, and the Mau Maus start taking off their hats. Your voice sounds like it's coming from another room, and the presence of God is SO stro...