How far would you go?

Joshin traveled 215 miles by bullet train to come to church this morning! While living in Australia for two years, Joshin was going to a Potter's House Church. When he returned to Japan last August, he started attending one of the only two Protestant churches in his home town of 40.000 people. He said he has been wanting to go again to a Potter's House Church. Joshin came across some of our posts on Instagram , and contacted me. He said he wanted to take advantage of the Golden Week holidays to come to Tokyo and take part in our Sunday morning worship service. Afterwards, Josh told me how much he'd missed raising his hands and praising and worshipping God like we do. He said he really felt the Holy Spirit in the service. Please remember Josh in your prayers. He wants to come whenever he can, but it's very far away, and very expensive. However, we serve a BIG GOD! Nothing is impossible for Him! Who knows what plans He has in store...