Wilderness Pioneering
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Still room for one, THEN it's us 4 and no more... |
Now, if rather than taking over a work, you are pioneering, then you can often count on nearby (or relatively nearby) Fellowship churches to roll up their sleeves and till the soil with you. Garage-band disciples with their own bootleg CDs will rap, rasp, or rock-out until the first row (meaning you, your wife and your 4 kids) is deaf and covered with saliva.
And since breaking up that fallow ground can work up quite an appetite, the flockless pastor will at least count on one last supper with the impact team at Lydia Purpleseller's house (or Wendy's, as we call her). So there's NO dying of loneliness.
So now we come to Wilderness Pioneering. What do you do if there aren't any churches nearby to help? WHAT IF you are the only two people from our Fellowship in the whole country?!
Quick, put your head between your knees and breathe into a paper bag. It'll be OK. For every flag you see flying at conference, someone, at one time, was the first couple in that country. They did it, so it can be done.
Warning: "Danger, danger, danger Will Robinson..." - if you are one of those people who secretly dream of ditching your little SWAT-team church to invisibly attach yourself to a bigger, funner church, then Wilderness Pioneering is not for you. There's no one to hide behind when it's just you and your spouse.
So what DO you do? There are basically three stages at this point -
The Landing Stage: Get there, find a place to stay (sounds easy, doesn't it), learn to eat local food (optional, but highly recommended).
The Establishment Clause: Find a way to stay there. There is a definite goal of NOT getting deported (I cringe when I hear people back home yelling "send them there immigrants back where they came from!". I've spent over 15 years of my life being a "them there immigrant" in some country or other...).

But if you're someplace with severe political borders (or an ocean on all sides), then there's only one viable stratagem - beat feet.
The Beat Feet Stage consists of walking around a country where you know nobody, and nobody knows you, and talking to total strangers (in English... sigh.). Walk, walk, walk, and talk, talk, and talk. Sure, flyers help (so would handing out cookies, or money), but you gotta walk and talk (anyone remember that Keith Green & Barry McGuire song?). There are NO shortcuts (unless you own a blimp).
So yet again, we ask for your prayers: For vision, wisdom, grace, favor, and for our ankles and knees...
Note: Please comment.
Every comment is read over and over and over. It's pathetic, really, but as one old Chinese preacher said, referring to Isaiah 50, "Make us those who can sustain the weary with a word..."
Dreams do come true!!! :-)
But it doesn't allows play out the way we see the movie showing in our head...
However the greatest thing to consider is when the books are opened before the King of kings and Lord of lords, what a glorious Day!
When you hear our King Jesus say
WELL DONE faithful servant!
I say unto you, Blaze that trail away! for others too MUST travel it some day, SOON..
Hebrews 12:1, 2
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
I say Blaze that trail away!
for others too will travel it soon one day...
Remember what a glorious day to hear our Heavenly Father say:
We really REALLY appreciate you guys praying for us during the fast. Everything that God has done so far has happened miraculously, and as a result of people out there praying. We know He is going to continue to move supernaturally because people like the Church in Belize are believing with us (and for us)!
Saludos a la familia, and tell cousin Joey I said Hi!
Please keep praying! We need it!
Thank you so much for these words of wisdom and insight concerning pioneering. 本当にありがとうございました。
I guess one can never fathom the great encouragement that comes from the knowledge of the prayers of other fellowship churches until one is a pioneer. As for you and your wife, the nation of Japan is a whole new different level--wilderness pioneering.
Although I do not dare say I understand even a fraction of your sacrifice, I would like to offer some encouragement to you both. During our past conference, Pastor Remil Cordero currently pioneering in Communist Vietnam testified:
"It's a great challenge for all of us; for the pastors, we're going to go back to the reality of ministry. Big giants, but the good news is that our God is greater." (Chris Tomlin - Our God is greater)
"...If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
You're in my prayers daily.
I've been interested in Japanese culture since high school, so I started learning the language through self-study and classes (I am not fluent yet though). Throughout the course of time, I've been finding a lot of resources online about Christianity in Japan. (Songs, videos, articles, other outreach groups...)
If you would like, I would be delighted to share what I have found with you. My e-mail is alabaster.box.is@gmail.com.
Also, I started writing a paper about Christianity in Japan for a freshman research paper. Although it isn't finished, I was able to cover challenges in modern Japanese Christianity and a few of evangelism strategies.
Thank you for sharing! God bless you and your ministry! :)
-from The Potter's House (Makati, Philippines)