
I've been coming to grips with the fact that I live 14 to 16 hours in the future from those of you in the USA ( 8 pm there is 12 noon tomorrow for us). Frankly, it feels very Star Trek-esque to call people in the past from somewhere in the near future ( sorry about the election. I couldn't bear to break the bad news to you over the phone).

Recently, however, as we stepped out of a train station, we found that we'd somehow warped ahead in time nearly 2 months -

Yes, it's Christmas here in Nippon. And it feels like it too. All the shops in the train stations are selling Christmas gifts, and fruit and candy baskets, and there are posters for Christmas meals and musicals. 

People seem infatuated, nay, obsessed with the season, but not necessarily the day. For the next 45 days people will be ho-ho-ho-ing with much mistletoe-ing, but on the big day itself? It's cubicle work as usual. Sounds like a trumpet call for industrial strength caroling and live Nativity scenes this year ( "Lisa, where did you put my Joseph kimono?")... 


Please continue to pray for open doors and key contacts.

Merry Christmas, and God bless us, every one!


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