Wilderness Pioneering III - Revenge of the Sith Lords... er, LANDlords

One of the banes of Wilderness Pioneering is finding a building. Sounds easy enough. People want money. You have (some) money to spend. Just find an empty building, throw some cash around, shake hands (or bow), and sign a pile of papers. 

Not - so - fast, Daniel san. There are no "For Rent" signs with phone numbers under them here! In Tokyo you need a Rental Agent to rent a house (or a building for a church). I finally gave up on the last two agents I had (I call them NOT-Joshua and NOT-Caleb) and got a new one (KJ), and this guy is on the ball! 

Can you believe they wouldn't entrust us with this gem? 
Now, some of the buildings we've seen so far are “skeleton” buildings, as KJ puts it. Apparently, when the former business leaves, they strip the building down to the concrete and plaster (one building didn't even have the wiring conduits anymore). Later we saw one that was semi-skeleton, and actually showed some possibilities. So KJ dropped me off at the train station, and said he'd call me after he got back with the owner.

Well, my agent called their agent - and it seems they’d suddenly decided to “take it off the market”. Hmmph. I don’t know if it’s religious discrimination or just plain old xenophobia, but my agent found it very frustrating (much to his credit).

We’re looking at three more places here in the next few days: a health clinic, a guitar/music store, and a generic-looking building very near our train station.

cue - "Binary Sunset"


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