MI-taka es TU Casa

As many of you know, we have been looking for a building for our church. We will soon be leasing a property very near Mitaka Station. The owner of the property has accepted our terms, and we will be signing the contract this week. 

We are going to lease the whole third floor of this building. It is only one block away from Mitaka Station, south exit.

We’re really excited. As it is, we’re meeting individually with people around the city. God has already begun to draw souls to him, and it'll be great to be able to meet in one place!

There is a lady who has visited one of our churches in Atlanta. We had corresponded before she moved back to Japan. She actually lives very close by.
Another lady was recently widowed and has 2 sons. Her sister in Holland knows a pastor in Mexico, who’s married to the daughter of Pastor Juan Quiroz in Tepexpan (outside of Mexico City) who knows me from when we pastored there. Lives pretty far away.
S and K are a young married couple who live in Tachikawa (only 30 mins away). Our friend Atsuko and some people from her church met S, and introduced them to us (since Atsuko's church doesn’t have English services). K is Japanese and S is from south London (with family in Trinidad).
Mr. N is the father of a man going to Pastor Borja's church in Saipan. He's 73, recently retired, and a self-proclaimed atheist who wants to meet with me weekly to learn about Christianity. He lives far away, but enjoys getting together so much that he’ll meet me anywhere.
The Sorias are a family that has just moved to Tokyo, and are from the Guam church! They see the building as being near where they want to live.
Freddy and Joaquin are both disciples from the Norfolk, VA church. They are working as civilians at a naval base (way down south of Tokyo) until the end of April. They've already introduced us to 2 guys from the base.
Even though we've gotten no response yet to our flyers or English classes (which we’ll still keep promoting), we’re completely thrilled that God has just sent these people to us! It’s amazing to me (though not unbelievable) how God has everything planned out and prepared. Rather than God blessing our plan, we feel like we've stumbled onto HIS.

* If you click on this link, you can see where the church is going to be on Google Maps:


Unknown said…
I love the comment, "rather than God blessing our plan, we feel like we've stumbled onto His." My husband and I have felt the same way since we've arrived in Brazil 2 months ago, this puts our thoughts exactly into the right words! We'll be praying for you and your wife. Your blog has been a blessing to read.
Unknown said…
I realize that I really need to keep up with these amazing blog posts! This report just left me without words. God is already piercing hearts even before the opening service. Japan is long due for revival, and harvest time is NOW!
During one service a while back, God gave our church a word saying that if we lift up His name in praise, He'll draw all men to Himself

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